- Safety Message from Steve Sandherr, CEO of AGC | March 26,2020
- Proactive Measures for Addressing COVID-19 | March 26, 2020
- Coronavirus Survey Results Videos-Ends Thursday, May7 at noon
- Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Packet to Help Contractors Document Market Conditions
- AGC Covid-19 Survey Results Video
- AGC coronavirus safety kit Release 3/30
- Link to AGC of America's microsite on COVID-19 (including links to the association's work involving Congress acting on Paid Leave Mandates)
- AGC of Washington's Toolbox Talk on COVID-19(link is external)
CDC Website English(link is external) | Spanish(link is external)
Construction Contract: Sample Notice of Delay Letter, Guidance on Construction Terms(link is external)
Families First Coronavirus Response Act
(FFCRA or Act):https://www.agcnys.org/wp-content/uploads/FFCRA_Poster_WH1422_Non-Federal.pdf
Downloadable Posters
- Employee Rights (FFCRA or Act)
- Job Site Poster - CDC (English)
- Job Site Poster - CDC (Spanish)
- Reduce Risk of COVID in the Workplace (English)
- Reduce Rick of COVID in the Workplace (Spanish)
- Enfermedad Del Coronavirus
- We Kept Oklahoma Working
- Efficient HR in a Pandemic
- OSHA Outreach & Partnering Activities | Protecting the Safety & Health of Workers
- Building a Stronger & Safer Oklahoma
- COVID Impacts & Implications for U.S. & Oklahoma Construction
- Oklahoma Economic Forecast
- Communicating in the COVID-19: Crisis and Beyond
- Mastering Virtual Meetings and Presentations